My Ford F 150 was towed to Drive Rite. I was advised that the alternator had failed and I approved installation of a new one. I was extremely pleased that David investigated the CAUSE of the failure (related to a short in the wire system) and instead of just slamming in a new alternator and sending me on my way. The mechanics traced the wire failure (appears to have taken hours to locate) and replaced it AT NO ADDITIONAL COST! David was concerned that potential damage to the battery might cause its failure in the future so he slow charged it, then let me know that it was not damaged and would recharge further as I drove it. Drive Rite's "going the extra mile", keeping me informed of developments, and not charging me for extra time taken to "make it right", is the reason this customer will return again and recommend Drive Rite to any and all. Nice to feel so good about a well run and personable business!